What is HIP?

Our 75 minute HIP Classes are a unique combination of guided breath work, group fitness, sauna and cold plunge. You will challenge your strength and cardiovascular output and performance. With benchmark metrics built into the programming, you can track your progress as your lungs and conditioning improve. Currently offering Core/Endurance, HIIT, Strength, Range of Motion and Mindful Motion classes.

Meet Jeremy.

Jeremy Werner is the Head Coach and Owner of the HIP Program offered at Game of Fitness. He’s also a Certified Personal Trainer and Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) Master Specialist. With a long history in the fitness and health community, he has curated a very unique program that specializes in improved athletic performance, recovery and mobility.

What is Muscle Activation Techniques(MAT)?
MAT looks at muscle tightness as a form of protection in the body. Weak or inhibited muscles can create the need for other muscles to tighten up in order to help stabilize the joints. MAT gets to restore normal body alignment, thereby, decreasing pain and reducing the risk of injury.